There it is folks!
I finally got my first ever Starbucks Planner! I got the one in blue.
I've finally completed the 16 stickers I need. I'm looking forward to starting my next o
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
Finally! Starbucks 2009 Planner
Posted by emillene jean at 2:54 PM 0 comments
Thursday, November 27, 2008
Sunday, November 23, 2008
Migrated Entry 03: How Much for School?
Just how much am I paying for my Jesuit education? I really cannot quantify. I haven’t seen the sum total of my enrollment fees for the last four years. I squirm in horror when I think of it, tallying up those numbers that at the end of four years will give me the piece of paper telling my future slave drivers just how good a slave I was; running after ungrammatical teachers and old hags. (bato bato sa langit, pag tamaan…masakit)
There isn’t much difference between the now and the time when they took the Negroes to England to man (or woman) the kitchen, or stables. I feel that my Jesuit education, as they emphasize it, is only making my ticket to the next master a little bigger, maybe a bit dressier.
That’s why I so dislike people who take expensive education for granted. I feel that you have no right to be kikay, devote time and effort in putting mascara and concealer and blotting oil control sheets on your face, when you do not even know the basic subject-verb agreement. I think that you better stick to learning the APA standards of citation and stop plagiarizing your research papers, and even journals!(in addition to submitting them on time with the proper number of pages) before you even start to play your video games and playing cards, before you pick up the keys and go to a bar.
And what’s more, I do not think people have the right to get laid when they were asleep in health and sex class, go running to me,crying, and asking me what to do. Eh kung di ka tatanga-tanga… I am itching to say.
It’s a free country of course. And I do not stop people who do those things I mentioned. But that doesn’t mean that I’ll start liking what they do. I am not a frigid person. I enjoy the sins (0r are they really?) of the flesh just as much as the next person. But hell, lust is no excuse for stupidity.
Some people think that I have no social life. I do. I drink and go to bars, dance and have fun. But it does not compromise my performance, wherever.
I asked Keeshia if I am a mean person by saying all this. She answered a resounding YES. But then, I really mean all this. Take it, hate me or not, this is my piece.
And yes, I can be mean,pala.
Posted by emillene jean at 1:12 PM 1 comments
Migrated Entry 02: The World From Me
No one ever said that things will be any easier. The truth is, there is no such thing as "real world". It’s the same banana as I usually say, or the same potato. You can still be late in the real world, you can still feel tamad. You can still get scolded at. You still live. Your still learn. Only this time, you don’t have to write on your notebooks (unless you really wanna) what you pick up along way.
There are still schedules that you have to follow. Not following them means a deduction from your pay. One of the most important things that you must keep within in you (unless you never had it in yourself) is the ability to keep time. Over and above the places and the things that may come along your way, you can never be wrong when you respect time.
Me? I refer to myself as a person in a kingdom far, far away. There are some things that I might want to tell you, just in case you come to join me in this kingdom (far, far away).
1. Learn to commute. Learn the bus routes, MRT, LRT, jeepneys and FX’s and how they differ. No one can live on using the Taxi everyday. You can buy a brand new PSP when you save that Taxi allotment in one month.
2. Bring an umbrella. I always think that one day I will be reborn with a mutated arm that has an umbrella attached to it. Save your skin, hair and temper with an umbrella.
3. Keep a support group. Be friendly.
4. Do not stop learning. Whether it is learning how to speak Armaic or learning how to use a photocopy machine by yourself, never stop seeking knowledge. Drink it in, wallow in it. Only a fool believes that he has learned too much.
5. Reinvent yourself. Put on that little black dress and those stilettos that you were hiding for so long. The best place to start over is where no one knows you, and you know no one.
6. Last, Imagine. Take it from Walter Mitty. Inscrutable to the end.
Posted by emillene jean at 1:10 PM 0 comments
Migrated Entry 01
Bare (Lazy) Bones
While there are days when I just want to lie down and sleep, wake up and sleep again, there are actually quite a number of days when I feel up and going.
*Sigh* I honestly do not know what to write about.
What pops into my head is Henry’s last write up in Beacon. It was so senti, so drama and so un-Henry that I actually thought (for a split second) that Henry was high when he wrote that. Of course the facts were facts, but I never thought that my hard-balled-political-writing friend can whip up things like that. Of course I dare not comment on the other articles because they are in the past. Oh, you know.*Wink*
I miss writing for Beacon, even when only a sordid handful read the damned thing. I miss debate even when we don’t break (though we often do). I miss the Union and travelling in a bus for more than 18 hours just to speak for something like a total of 28-35 minutes (double that if we break) in debate competitions. The ratty Beacon Office, the place where I slept the whole day in when I had a fever. I miss the greasy feel of the back canteen and the delightful monstrosity we call Chinito’s. I miss the J’s (I only call them that in my mind): Jon, Jams and yes, Jhing. Oh, gosh, I miss that school, that city. And no, I do not miss S.
(Note to MR: I never resent the article to you. Why would I give those readers of yours tips on how to cope with the traffic, price and life here? They should suffer. *Evil laugh* Kidding aside, I just thought that it wasn’t my place anymore.)
I went out a while ago and I saw a welcome banner sign out front a school. I tried to remember what it feels like to have the first day excitement. I miss that feeling,too. There are lots of things I missed and am missing after having thrust myself into this new world a tad too early.But well, anyway, Henry texted me and told me that I was the only absentee in our biannual meetings at Coffeemix with Marco. That made me kinda sad. Those were cheap, student-on-a-budget meetings but they were fun. Sobra.
I have fun now, too. There are a lot of fun places here. I with a fun person (most of the time). But this is not fun-fun. It’s just fun. I hope you know what I mean.
I might be going home, who really knows? I surely don’t know myself. Is it a sad thing? I keep myself brewing by writing stories and stories that never get to have an ending. I have like a whole notebook of intros and middles and beginnings and endings that do not match. I hope they have a life of their own that will spawn soon. I surely will love that. If anything, it’ll be an assurance that I am still myself, Ems.
Ramble. Ramble.
Largo ya ’ste. Thanks for stopping by and don’t forget to get yourself a cookie
Posted by emillene jean at 1:07 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, November 12, 2008

You know how much I heckle myself to finally getting a haircut.
Finally! After so long, I had my haircut on a day when I NEVER thought of having my hair cut.
Here's the story:
I was walking down from applying for a job inside Don Antonio when I found an outlet of Reyes Haircutters. Being the cheapie I am, I thought: Hell, why not? When will I get back here, if I say next time. So in a few minutes, I had bangs, and a new hassle free layered cut. All for Php50.
Pat me on the back.
Posted by emillene jean at 5:15 PM 0 comments
Mission: Starbucks
I'm not a big Starbucks fan, nor am I a big coffee fan, but I do appreciate some Starbucks stores here in the Metro. I especially love the one in my building here in Convergys because of the friendly staff who probably already know me and my 'usuals', which are either Venti Hot English Breakfast/Zen Green Tea with Honey or Venti Classic Hot Choco 2% milk, are warm and the best I've seen so far. They are quite friendly, really, and most of the time, they offer me some specials or upsizes for free.
So I'm not a big Starbucks fan, I am a big fan of this store.
So when they gave me a card, you know that promo where you get a sticker for every cup you buy? Like this:

Til then, Bottoms Up!

Posted by emillene jean at 5:13 PM 0 comments
Being Filipino
Euphemism: the substitution of an agreeable or inoffensive expression for one that may offend or suggest something unpleasant. (
Good morning! While I am drinking my steamed milk, and in between munches on pan de sal, I want to talk about how we Filipinos are generally so polite, how we as a people redefined the whole meaning of the word above. Either it be to be polite, or to show intense sarcasm (saying, "uuuy, ang baby kasing cute ni Elmo sa sesame street" to mean that the baby looks like a monster), it is not a small feat that we Filipinos have sucessfully manuevered the usage of words to our advantage.
Take for instance, like Amy, our supercoach, said, if the baby is really so cute, the person would actually say "Ay, ang cute naman ng baby!" but if the kid is not so cute, the same person would exclaim "Ay! Ang laki-laki na nya!". Good point, eh?
So it just shows anyone that the Filipino is such a euphemistic race. We're so keen on not offending, to the point of our own discomfort. For example, an officemate you're not so close with offers you a ride in a non-aircon car. So all the way from Makati to Commonwealth you have absorbed all the air and dirt and smog. Officemate apologizes, and you would naturally say:"Okay lang. Okay nga yung fresh air eh..."
But maybe that's a good trait. It sure is as hell funny when you think about it
Posted by emillene jean at 5:12 PM 0 comments
This is Just NOT RIGHT
People! Why? I just hate how people don't talk straight anymore.
1. Texting me using "po" or the DISGUSTING variations of the word like "poh" or "pow"
-I am not you're grandmother, mother or ninang, so please drop the pseudo respectful crap by using "po". Like, "wat r u wering poh?" Where is the dignity of the word there? JUST WHERE IS THE DIGNITY THERE? It is definitely not cute, and the same goes for the morons you say "sowee" or "pweez" especially if you are a guy. It's not endearing. It is disgusting. IT.IS.NOT.CUTE. Especially if we're not close.
2. Alternating caps on the friendster profile page or any other networking sites.
example, and this is a real one from friendster: MaArtE,SEnSItive, SuPlAdITa, FRiEnDly, fAshiOnIStA, KikAy, AtTraCtiVe AnD EveRytHinG NiCE THaT Was Me!! MaTaLinO (ThEReS N o OnE IN THiS WoRLd hAs stUpId MiNDs) mAaRte aKo PeRo InDi AkO mAlAnDE-jUZ DOn'T EvEr jUdGe Me cOz yOu dONt mE aT AlL.... AND ..... YoU MuZ ReMEmBeR eVeRYtHinGs hAs a reAsONS..... DoNt ! DArE mE COz YoU DoNt knOw wHaT CaN I dO SoMe peopLe dOnT UnDErSTaNd WhAT Is my aTtItUde BUt dOnT JuDgE aNyOnE...... .. i pRoTeCT my fRieNdS...aNd pRoTeCt YoUrs :)
Holy Ham! WHAT THE HELL??? Not only did I have to read this like three or four times because my brain is just too slow to read it all at once, I actually had to process the meaning of the whole thing. And just look at that grammar, "eVeRYtHinGs hAs a reAsONS". Do we still go to school, 'Pinas?
3. Text Language in text fields that can accomodate 10,000 characters or more.
-There is simply no excuse for this. The reason why text language is created is because the space is limited. You have room for 10,000 characters here.
Another example lifted from Friendster: *HoTcHiC**sEXy dAw..cHAvii nG mGAh fWEnDz qEw .. sVi qEw nAMn.. mAdAnDa aqEw.. maArTE?/..sObra ** hiHi.. nDi mHEii mAarTE.. kAla nYOuh lAng yUn,, kSHi cHigURo .. yU fOUnd mE.. wEAriNg uNiqUe eAriNgs.. USing mAkEuP.. oWeYs lOoKing mY fACe in tHE mirror.
4. Pretending to Talk like Blacks
-Their language is for them alone. It sounds cool only if they speak it. UTANG.NA.LOOB. Don't try to imitate them. It's just, again, DISGUSTING.
Example: ThuG BaLLa bAbY oF kArEn rOsE i CamE FrOm a SmaLL TowN wEr oL ThA GenGsTerS- kiLLahZ- DruG DeaLahZ- YounG bLoOdS- LiVin aLonE AnD biG TyM SinDiCaTe ArE OcCurS
Can we ever talk like people again?
Posted by emillene jean at 5:04 PM 0 comments
Thursday, October 30, 2008
What if I were a Mom?
Oh, boy, this one is tough. But I really do want to have a baby someday. I'm thinking maybe it's kinda cool to be a single parent, which is what I probably will end up being. You know, no other people telling you what to do, how to raise your child. No husband to take care of (who doesn't really want to have a baby in the first place). Just you, and that little tiny being so little and dependent on you for love, attention and support. Of course, having babies are financially tough. But hey, it's just what if.
How happy it will be to have someone who will finally soak in my love and give it back in return. It just seems so fulfilling to see a mother and child share a deep connection. I'm kinda longing for that kind of connection.
Allan and I kinda talked about children. We talked about baby names. We talked about having babies...but not really with each other, you understand. Just talking about children in general.
Rai asked me how I'd feel if I were pregnant. I was taken aback, really. Because I wasn't sure how I'd feel. I'd panic maybe. I wouldn't know how to deal with it.
Jeez. This entry is hard.
Posted by emillene jean at 5:23 PM 1 comments
Saturday, October 18, 2008
What if I Became a Teacher?
What if I became a teacher?
To tell you the truth, I considered being a teacher when I was entering college. I actually went over my options on the very last day of enrollment, when I always thought that I was a sold-out MassCom enthusiast. I finally went for MassCom, loved Masscom and eventually hated MassCom, but finally enjoyed something that became a blown passion. I dismissed the desire for being a teacher by telling myself I considered it the way I considered nursing because of the cute uniforms. Hey, that's just me.
Now I'm thinking, what if I became a teacher?
I think I would be a love-me-or-hate-me type. I would allow cheating. Just don't get caught. That way, I don't have to stress myself over academic honesty, and at the same time, I get to develop in my students some form of conscience.
I would most probably teach creative writing (only because I love the subject). And I would most probably not grade papers with grammatical errors (errors, not slips). I would incorporate with styles and structures the many experiences that they have in life. I would let my students choose what to write, and grade them not based on how they level up with others, but how they have improved from the last time.
I would most probably be absent often. Darn me, but old habits are hard to break. :D
Hmm. Maybe I should stick to being a writer.
Posted by emillene jean at 11:19 PM 0 comments
Monday, October 13, 2008
That Man in Rated K
Yesterday I was watching Rated K and I came upon the capsule about that man who lost his wife to kidney complications. I found that section quite sad, depressing. The way it was presented was very lingering, especially when they were reenacting the scenes when husband, Roy brought her to watch the sunset in Manila Bay on their last anniversary.
How tough it must be for him to go through that. I can only hope that it'll not happen to me.
So the next step, naturally was to check the blog. Check it here. It was the blog of a very desperately sad man. You could feel in it's grammatically imperfect entries how hard it is to cope with losing someone so integral, so central, in a family's life. I went tsk-tsk-tsk when I saw on one entry, a PS that said: "How I wish I was communicating to you this much when you were still here. I miss you Mama." I am not one to weep over such heart wrenching words, but they do find a place to hit in my heart.
I can do nothing but to pray that everything will be better for them.
Posted by emillene jean at 1:50 AM 1 comments
Sunday, October 12, 2008
Why So Serious?
Many times, I would get depressed, you know, struggling to finish college, struggling to make my relationship with my boyfriend work. Wanting to keep my job and move up the ladder so I may earn more and get more of the things I want to have in my life. Of course I have my demons to conquer, my deep, dark secrets to keep, but I manage to be happy. Spread the happiness, so to speak. In the turn of experiences that happened to my life, I learned foremost that Not-Thinking-It's-That-Bad and just saying "Hay, Whatever" works pretty damned well.
A favorite pick-me-upper has always been what I call rant blogging or happy blogging. Now, rant blogging, from the word itself is ranting it all out. Churning the keyboard and punching the letters to form the thoughts that are ravaging in my head. I do this when I'm frustrated at that he-bitch who stepped on me and didn't say sorry, or when my boyfriend is being the bullhead that he sometimes can become. My RS teacher once said, that the fingers are actually exit points for emotions, just like our eyes (tear ducts, for obvious reasons) and our mouths through the words we speak. So energy actually drains out from our fingers. Take a can of water to water the plants while you're angry or frustrated, and watch them wither. It's a fact. After the rant blog I feel relaxed, and the frustrations go away. That easy.
Another type, happy blogging, is blogging about happy things, maybe from the lifestyle section of the paper, about new things, funny things that happened that day. Sometimes, I put out all my sarcasm there. It helps a lot with heartbreak. When we fight, or have some arguments, I pack up to Starbucks (free wi-fi) get a pamper-me-up Hot Choco Venti and a cinnamon roll and blog away about something I read in the magazines available in the cafe.
When I'm poor, I get my fix by going to the plaza, just to get out of the house or the office and take a breath of fresh air and say "Hay, Whatever!"
The important thing I guess, is to keep thinking: "This will not be something that will stress me!" Stressful things are those that we allow to get past the No Stress barrier. Keep them away, or atleast, if you wanna manage them, never forget YOU HAVE THE UPPER HAND. When things are getting stinky, or hurtful, your mind will wallow in it. So do something to trick your mind out of it. Think positive, think nice, cool, sarcastic, funny things to put you back on the right mood, and the right disposition.
I dedicate this to MR. To my other friends as well, but especially to MR, who sounds like she's almost going patooties (in her blog). Read back on all those entries, dear. Don't allow that misery to get the best of you. You're smart, talented and young. ALWAYS remember that.
And try the blogging.
Posted by emillene jean at 1:30 AM 0 comments
Monday, August 18, 2008
I hail a cab, blinking "On Call"
Then I realize that I was alone,
I was nearer to boredom now than ever before
Like a little doll outgrown by who used to be a little girl
Posted by emillene jean at 3:15 AM 1 comments
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
I'm Neglecting
I don't work on this blog too much. I tried to like it, but the site is simply blogs-only that I don't really like it that much. I'm neglecting this little piece of cyber suburbia that I put my stakes on.
I feel like a glutton na tuloy.
So I promise to post stuff here as much as possible, maybe twice weekly. This blog will purely be my non-kikay blog, as opposed to my multiply blog where I put all the pseudo stupid things I do everyday.
I promise to keep you up to date my blogger blog. Sorry I'm neglecting.
Posted by emillene jean at 1:45 PM 0 comments
20 is no Different from 20
Yep, tomorrow, actually just a few moments from now I'll be turning 21. I'm trying to think of things that changed about me and I came down with quite a number. Sure, I became independent and I'm now working, I've learned the value of hardwork and have realized just how fulfilling it is to receive money that I have really worked for.
I have learned that even if I always follow my heart, there is a reason why my head is fashioned to be on the topmost part of my body. That all things that will have a great impact in my life need to be carefully thought over.
I have learned that even the smallest step can change my life in ways I can never imagine. I have seen many things, done many mistakes, kept many good memories. But I have learned that not all my experiences I need to tell other people. That not everyone will want to listen and that sometimes baring my all is not the way to go.
I have learned that keeping my life an open book is not always good. And that those who say that they are open books say everything that is really nothing of what is everything. They hide more than you think.
I have learned to trust people, to understand them, to give them a break. But I only do so once.
I have learned that anger will do no good, that diplomacy is the best way to go.
I have learned that my thoughts are more powerful than anyone's word. That nothing really matters as long as I have done right. That although the presence of a God will help, His presence is not necessary to determine what should be done at any given circumstance.
I have determined that Body Shop is my best friend.
I have not lost myself in the melange we all call "Real Life". That I am still who I was, only better, maybe a bit wiser.
I have learned that mistakes are not wrong.
I have learned that reinventing myself will take time, but it feeds my spirit to build myself to something better, something stronger for what may come in the future. I may not be as dramatic as other people, but I know that when I look at myself in the mirror I can with no regrets or doubts say:"That is the Emillene Jean Torres I want to become, but I can be better than that woman in the mirror."
So hello, Midnight, hello. My name is Ems, and I just turned Twenty-One.
Posted by emillene jean at 1:43 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, August 5, 2008
Panacotta, Please
I watched this advertisement for World Food Programme were different African people, young, old, male, female, all skin and bones, were saying favorite desserts like they were ordering it from the restaurant. Then it said that for the price of your dessert, you can help feed people in Africa, many of whom are dying of starvation.
It sound weird at first, yes. But when you calculate, let's say you have a sundae 4x a week. That's Php30 per week and a total of Php120. In one month, that's Php480 all in dessert. In one year, Php5760 is devoted all to just dessert. That Php5760 can be donated to the World Food Programme to feed many people and maybe, although just a bit, help save the those starving people.
Other than that, it doesn't really count if you have dessert. They are merely luxuries, especially after you have already eaten one full meal. A friend, who's been making donations to the World Food Programme for almost a year now, said that whenever he has the urge to get dessert, he stops himself and keeps the money instead and deposit it every week. It doesn't seem huge when you give it weekly, so you don't feel the dent in your pocketbook. This same friend now eats desserts only when he has done something really good, like get a promotion, or when he's broken hearted. Haha
I'm planning to do the same thing. I usually have like cake in Starbucks, or a donut whenever I feel like sugar rushing. But I will now try to save the money to give to the World Food Programme. I may even lose weight because of that. It's my own way of giving back what I got.
Posted by emillene jean at 4:45 PM 0 comments
Friday, August 1, 2008
Videos, Videos
The last entry was pretty fun and funny for me. We were on break and decided to goof around. It was one of my co-trainees who took the video and I never thought he was serious, so I got into all this retarded thing with the hands. Anyway, like I said, it was fun.
However, there are many people who got bad experiences with videos. You know the whole lot ---the scandals (I'm sure you've seen atleast a couple), the exposes and the people whose lives were destroyed and maybe corrected because of those lenses that can never lie.
I watched this scandal once, an ADZU schoolgirl. I'm sure you've seen it, too (yeah, the striped panties). I didn't feel anything but pity for the girl. She was young, pretty, and well, while she may be a bit too experimentative at a young age, her video scandal can only get comments from two kinds of people:
1. Those who have had sex and think it's okay but pities her because she wasn't careful enough, didn't choose her men well, etc. and;
2. Those who never had sex, never enjoyed the intimacy and envies her but outwardly shows it as disgust or anger. Frigid people. How sad.
I am not a nun. I think pre-marital sex is okay. I do not encourage it, but it's okay. I may even venture to say that the video-ing is okay, too. I met a few couples who do it for themselves, to spice things up. Who's to blame them? I'm not into those who are promiscuous though, but do you have to be promiscuous to video your lovemaking? I do not think so, folks. But I really hate those A-holes who distribute sex scandals and destroy other people's life. It's immature. That is what is disgusting.
To those who feel like I do, let's spread the word. We all want sexually active people (or not) to be protected from abuse, disease and discrimination. Come to think of it, Sex is like Death, that is where we are all going to, sooner or later. And do we hate people who die early?
Posted by emillene jean at 6:50 AM 0 comments
Sunday, July 27, 2008
Shopping Made Friendly
Posted by emillene jean at 6:18 PM 0 comments
It's so weird. I'm writing about the SONA again. But this time I'm like breath to breath with the people who are actually raising their banners against the infamous woman. No, I am not rallying against or for her, it's just that I have to walk through the throng of blue men (I heard they call them cops) just to get to work; the Convergys building is right smack in the middle of Commonwealth Avenue --- did I say that I love this job?
I do not like the fact that those policemen didn't seem to have taken a bath. I do not like the way they block the parking spaces. And ultimately, I do not like the fact that they're blocking even the sidewalks. They crowded Mini-Stop, Starbucks, even Pancake House. They were practically everywhere! I can barely imagine the traffic later, God bless our ozone layer.
So, here I am, ranting about the way the SONA is being handled, without my morning latte, Pan de Palaman or pancakes. And that is just great.
Come to think of it, why does the woman have to do the SONA anyway? Year after year after year she says the same things but no one really believes her. She just ends up getting sketched up on tomorrow's editorial cartoon with a tongue-in-cheek report that what she said might be true.
What I do know is that come payday on the 30th, I will still pay taxes (huge ones, too) and come next month the roads are still cracked, kids will still beg for coins at Quiapo, brothers will still kill each other for money, mothers will still throw their babies out of taxi cabs, all in the spirit of national financial depression.
Posted by emillene jean at 4:09 PM 0 comments
Friday, July 25, 2008
Americans are Funny People
One friend told me, "Ang talino ng mga Amerikano, noh?" I was kinda taken aback by the question (especially since she was drunk to the eyelashes and was reeking of alcohol). But that was more hilarious was when she said why --- "Ang galing kasi nila mag-English".
After that I called a cab and hauled her home. She was obviously delusional.
But there really are a lot of intelligent Americans and the US has a high literacy rate. But let me share some funny things about them, based on some questions I heard from them by working here.
* Your phone sucks! The screen's all black! (The phone wasn't on in the first place)
* What the hell is this picturemail you're charging me? I send pictures to my family via regular US mail!!! (ngwek-ngwek-ngwek)
* You notified me via text that you will send me this free wallpaper thing! I stripped my walls bare and the wallpaper hasn't arrived yet! It's been three weeks! (The wallpaper was a cellphone wallpaper, not the regular one)
* Can you tell me how long the dipstick is for my car? (duh, why don't you go measure it yourself?)
Those are only some, only some. They provide comic relief for the time when my eyelids are about to fall off. I love Americans. They're so funny! Just today on, I read news about a nursing home (for retarded or mentally disturbed people, not elders!) who employed a sex offender to molested one of the patients. Instead of kicking the person out, or making a law that prohibits them to go into that kind of job, they made a law that required the nursing home to declare to their clients whether they have employed offenders or not (after all, aren't sex offenders mentally disturbed,too? They fit right in!).
I love Americans.
Posted by emillene jean at 11:22 AM 0 comments
My First Blogspot Post!
I was starting to think of what the title of this post will be. I was wondering, how many posts will have "My First" as their title? Is yours titled that way? I'll bet good money it is!
Well, I have other blogs (I think this is, like, the third), and I do not really write anything profound, or I do not think they're profound. Do we have to anyway? I write about what I hear, smell, eat, do everyday. Sometimes I write, sometimes I do not, but all the same the blog is kept and, hopefully, people will come.
I may write some poetic or literary stuff, please do read them, bear with them because they are few and far in between. I do not know if I can call myself a lover of words, but I do know that I love to tell people what I think.
I hope that you do not expect romance. Like entries of how different and how I realized that I am no longer a spoiled child. No, none of that bullshit (pardon me) anymore. I have realized long ago that I am grown up, I have a life to live, clothes to wash and though I love fairy tales, I realize that thinking that I can actually grow wings is downright retarded. I am learning lots still, but that is something we must all strive to do!
I will not write about Obama, or Clinton, or the war over at Iraq. I have had enough of that, too. No politics, no deep level analysis (I keep those to myself) and no showing off. I at most would blog about how weird some politicians are, but I really am not into analyzing what their strategies are.
It is my dearest wish to see my blog grow to become a journal that is full of my thoughts, whether they are intelligent, stupid, kikay or sarcastic. I do not want a serious blog. Funny and happy hearted blogs get read more.
Posted by emillene jean at 10:28 AM 0 comments