People! Why? I just hate how people don't talk straight anymore.
1. Texting me using "po" or the DISGUSTING variations of the word like "poh" or "pow"
-I am not you're grandmother, mother or ninang, so please drop the pseudo respectful crap by using "po". Like, "wat r u wering poh?" Where is the dignity of the word there? JUST WHERE IS THE DIGNITY THERE? It is definitely not cute, and the same goes for the morons you say "sowee" or "pweez" especially if you are a guy. It's not endearing. It is disgusting. IT.IS.NOT.CUTE. Especially if we're not close.
2. Alternating caps on the friendster profile page or any other networking sites.
example, and this is a real one from friendster: MaArtE,SEnSItive, SuPlAdITa, FRiEnDly, fAshiOnIStA, KikAy, AtTraCtiVe AnD EveRytHinG NiCE THaT Was Me!! MaTaLinO (ThEReS N o OnE IN THiS WoRLd hAs stUpId MiNDs) mAaRte aKo PeRo InDi AkO mAlAnDE-jUZ DOn'T EvEr jUdGe Me cOz yOu dONt mE aT AlL.... AND ..... YoU MuZ ReMEmBeR eVeRYtHinGs hAs a reAsONS..... DoNt ! DArE mE COz YoU DoNt knOw wHaT CaN I dO SoMe peopLe dOnT UnDErSTaNd WhAT Is my aTtItUde BUt dOnT JuDgE aNyOnE...... .. i pRoTeCT my fRieNdS...aNd pRoTeCt YoUrs :)
Holy Ham! WHAT THE HELL??? Not only did I have to read this like three or four times because my brain is just too slow to read it all at once, I actually had to process the meaning of the whole thing. And just look at that grammar, "eVeRYtHinGs hAs a reAsONS". Do we still go to school, 'Pinas?
3. Text Language in text fields that can accomodate 10,000 characters or more.
-There is simply no excuse for this. The reason why text language is created is because the space is limited. You have room for 10,000 characters here.
Another example lifted from Friendster: *HoTcHiC**sEXy dAw..cHAvii nG mGAh fWEnDz qEw .. sVi qEw nAMn.. mAdAnDa aqEw.. maArTE?/..sObra ** hiHi.. nDi mHEii mAarTE.. kAla nYOuh lAng yUn,, kSHi cHigURo .. yU fOUnd mE.. wEAriNg uNiqUe eAriNgs.. USing mAkEuP.. oWeYs lOoKing mY fACe in tHE mirror.
4. Pretending to Talk like Blacks
-Their language is for them alone. It sounds cool only if they speak it. UTANG.NA.LOOB. Don't try to imitate them. It's just, again, DISGUSTING.
Example: ThuG BaLLa bAbY oF kArEn rOsE i CamE FrOm a SmaLL TowN wEr oL ThA GenGsTerS- kiLLahZ- DruG DeaLahZ- YounG bLoOdS- LiVin aLonE AnD biG TyM SinDiCaTe ArE OcCurS
Can we ever talk like people again?
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
This is Just NOT RIGHT
Posted by emillene jean at 5:04 PM
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