No one ever said that things will be any easier. The truth is, there is no such thing as "real world". It’s the same banana as I usually say, or the same potato. You can still be late in the real world, you can still feel tamad. You can still get scolded at. You still live. Your still learn. Only this time, you don’t have to write on your notebooks (unless you really wanna) what you pick up along way.
There are still schedules that you have to follow. Not following them means a deduction from your pay. One of the most important things that you must keep within in you (unless you never had it in yourself) is the ability to keep time. Over and above the places and the things that may come along your way, you can never be wrong when you respect time.
Me? I refer to myself as a person in a kingdom far, far away. There are some things that I might want to tell you, just in case you come to join me in this kingdom (far, far away).
1. Learn to commute. Learn the bus routes, MRT, LRT, jeepneys and FX’s and how they differ. No one can live on using the Taxi everyday. You can buy a brand new PSP when you save that Taxi allotment in one month.
2. Bring an umbrella. I always think that one day I will be reborn with a mutated arm that has an umbrella attached to it. Save your skin, hair and temper with an umbrella.
3. Keep a support group. Be friendly.
4. Do not stop learning. Whether it is learning how to speak Armaic or learning how to use a photocopy machine by yourself, never stop seeking knowledge. Drink it in, wallow in it. Only a fool believes that he has learned too much.
5. Reinvent yourself. Put on that little black dress and those stilettos that you were hiding for so long. The best place to start over is where no one knows you, and you know no one.
6. Last, Imagine. Take it from Walter Mitty. Inscrutable to the end.
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