Sunday, October 12, 2008

Why So Serious?

Many times, I would get depressed, you know, struggling to finish college, struggling to make my relationship with my boyfriend work. Wanting to keep my job and move up the ladder so I may earn more and get more of the things I want to have in my life. Of course I have my demons to conquer, my deep, dark secrets to keep, but I manage to be happy. Spread the happiness, so to speak. In the turn of experiences that happened to my life, I learned foremost that Not-Thinking-It's-That-Bad and just saying "Hay, Whatever" works pretty damned well.

A favorite pick-me-upper has always been what I call rant blogging or happy blogging. Now, rant blogging, from the word itself is ranting it all out. Churning the keyboard and punching the letters to form the thoughts that are ravaging in my head. I do this when I'm frustrated at that he-bitch who stepped on me and didn't say sorry, or when my boyfriend is being the bullhead that he sometimes can become. My RS teacher once said, that the fingers are actually exit points for emotions, just like our eyes (tear ducts, for obvious reasons) and our mouths through the words we speak. So energy actually drains out from our fingers. Take a can of water to water the plants while you're angry or frustrated, and watch them wither. It's a fact. After the rant blog I feel relaxed, and the frustrations go away. That easy.

Another type, happy blogging, is blogging about happy things, maybe from the lifestyle section of the paper, about new things, funny things that happened that day. Sometimes, I put out all my sarcasm there. It helps a lot with heartbreak. When we fight, or have some arguments, I pack up to Starbucks (free wi-fi) get a pamper-me-up Hot Choco Venti and a cinnamon roll and blog away about something I read in the magazines available in the cafe.

When I'm poor, I get my fix by going to the plaza, just to get out of the house or the office and take a breath of fresh air and say "Hay, Whatever!"

The important thing I guess, is to keep thinking: "This will not be something that will stress me!" Stressful things are those that we allow to get past the No Stress barrier. Keep them away, or atleast, if you wanna manage them, never forget YOU HAVE THE UPPER HAND. When things are getting stinky, or hurtful, your mind will wallow in it. So do something to trick your mind out of it. Think positive, think nice, cool, sarcastic, funny things to put you back on the right mood, and the right disposition.

I dedicate this to MR. To my other friends as well, but especially to MR, who sounds like she's almost going patooties (in her blog). Read back on all those entries, dear. Don't allow that misery to get the best of you. You're smart, talented and young. ALWAYS remember that.

And try the blogging.